Different Cranes for Different Gains

The mechanism beZoomlionhind cranes is simple enough. It uses pulleys, chains and the hydraulic mechanism to lift objects. However the uses of cranes are limitless. There are many types of cranes available for different purposes. The most common type of Zoomlion cranes is the tower crane obviously. Whenever you pass a construction site, especially the ones that are building sky scrapers, you will see this long contraption standing close to the building. The upper horizontal arm swivels around and brings all the necessary items from the ground up to the workers on top. However, this is only one type of crane.

There are several other types that are also very useful. The vehicle mounted one too is a common sighting. The wheel mounted crane focuses more on the mobility rather than the height. These types of cranes are more short and stout. The arm resembles a lobster claw and can be used to pick up a variety of objects. They are mostly coSkel Trailermmon in vehicle dumps. These are the vehicle graveyards where your beloved car goes after you have discarded it. The Skel trailers carry your cars to the dump and here your long luxury cars are tuned into compact squares of scrap! Here the vehicle mounted cranes come in handy picking up the cars and placing them in the impounding machines.

Then there are the aerial cranes. Whenever you think of an aerial rescue, these types of cranes come into mind.  They are basically helicopters that are used for transporting loads via air. When the object to be transported is in an awkward location, not accessible by road, these cranes come into action. Being helicopters, these types of cranes do not even need much space to land and take off and yet they can carry the load across large distances. So if you have a car balanced at the side of a cliff. This type of crane will definitely come in handy. Whether or not they will come in time for a successful rescue is a different story altogether!

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